Both parties:
1) support larger government with more power
2) support unending wars
3) refuse to go after Wall St. for financial crimes
4) make their entire platform about social issues that shouldn't even be within the realm of government
5) work to exclude 3rd party candidates from the political process
6) refuse to address in ineffectiveness of the unending federal "war on drugs" that has made the US the #1 country in the world for prison population, with over 1% of our population involved in the prison system, over 25% of which are only for non-violent drug charges, a victimless crime that is a personal choice
7) refuse to address corporate personhood which has grossly corrupted the political process
8) refuse to address the revolving door between big business and the regulatory agencies responsible for policing them
9) refuse to address the destruction of our currency by the Federal Reserve system, and how the current fiscal policy greatly benefits a small group of bankers
10) refuse to address the broken copyright and patent systems that have been changed to benefit a tiny number of large corporations at the expense of every member of society