I wrote this about a year ago, when the average salary of an Indian developer was significantly less, and there was a huge market in low-quality low-cost development houses out there. These days you can replace "India" with Sri Lanka, China, or any of the other countries with a significant poor minority and an up-and-coming tech market.
My primary point was that there are people with a price-point way below that of your average US or UK worker, so the cost of production is much lower.
I wrote this about a year ago, when the average salary of an Indian developer was significantly less, and there was a huge market in low-quality low-cost development houses out there. These days you can replace "India" with Sri Lanka, China, or any of the other countries with a significant poor minority and an up-and-coming tech market.
My primary point was that there are people with a price-point way below that of your average US or UK worker, so the cost of production is much lower.