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They should pardon all the people convicted under that law. Not just the famous, useful ones.

I believe they plan to, and that is what is being debated, they are just using Alan Turing as the most famous example of an deceased person that should be pardoned.

I believe this is the bill they are debating, it seems specific to Alan Turing: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/alanturingstatut... (tangent: this is a pretty neat site, does anybody know if there is similar for US Congress?)


For example, the most recent immigration bill: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s744

Very cool, thanks!

Why not do it all in a single bill? They could still make him a figure head, even name the bill after him and include a specific point about pardoning him, but include everyone else too.

If this ends up getting through all the stages and they then want to do the same for everyone else, at the very least it's a waste of time going through the stages again (if there's no more debate), or if there is still debate then even more time wasted.

The only reason not to include it in this bill, if that is their long-term plan, is if they think it is more likely to pass with just one name, which seems odd to me.

That's exactly what they're doing.

A bill that would pardon 75,000 men, including 16,000 who are still alive. It would be named the "Alan Turing Bill".

The 16,000 alive can apply for pardon, but it's most likely not automatic, I guess their case must be reviewed.

The government didn't want to allow pardon to the dead because they said that in some cases they couldn't know that these homosexual acts were consensual and not under age. The Lord presenting the bill is advocating for rehabilitation of the dead if there is enough evidence available, and he hopes the Turing bill (which will pardon only Alan Turing) is a first step towards allowing pardon for the 59,000 convicted who are now dead.

It's not what they're doing yet, the current bill is specific to one person.

Yes - sometimes it takes someone famous to make the issue public, and everyone else will benefit. It was an absolute travesty and shame for what they did to him, and we are all the worse for it.

From the reading "This would be a symbolic first step towards the disregard for the 49,000 others convicted and now dead and perhaps a step forward towards successfully amending the protection of freedoms act to that affect when the opportunity arises.". Looks like this is the goal.

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