Even outside . . . when I was a boy, my brothers and I were sent off to scout camp for a week and a half during the summer. Camp Lanochee in rural mid-Florida, known to its occupants as Camp Mosquito. I will never forget the feeling of sweat rolling off me whenever I turned in bed. It was this hot even though we slept naked or in underclothes only on a cot in an open-sided adirondack -- under a bug net, of course. It has to have been one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life.
I worked on staff at a very similar camp in the southeast for a few summers as a teenager, taking 2-3 cool showers a day was the norm to get some relief. Even though staff tents had a 110v outlet that we all had box fans hooked up to sleep was never very restful, afternoon naps were cherished when possible.