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It seems it's directly related to Stack Overflow but I wonder how both will be "connected"? Are you going to go to closed questions on SO and post a link to your website? Directly contacting authors of closed questions might also prove difficult since many users don't display their email address. Overall, I don't quite understand how it's going to work out. If there's no connection to SO (beside the questions being imported from there) then it's like any other forum.

There will be no direct connection with SO. Not Constructive is just a place to come to ask open ended questions about software development, where opinions and subjective answers are considered relevant and valid.

We won't be importing questions from SO.

How do you distinguish Not Constructive from Programmers.SE?

Programmers.SE originally took "not constructive" questions, but that turned out to be a mess, so they had to refine their scope multiple times until a viable model appeared. Now their scope is more or less "whiteboard" questions, which can be partially opinion based (just like almost every question on SO), but that is not the focus. The FAQ says:

    > Specific issues with software development, for instance:  
      - algorithm and data structure concepts  
      - testing and quality assurance  
      - development methodologies  
    > freelancing and business concerns  
    > software architecture, engineering, or licensing

if nc gets enough traction, the SO moderators may be able to provide an nc link when they close questions.

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