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Clearly not give up. But we should have at least a clear idea of where we want the debate to go to. You say you want the DPA adhered to in spirit - great. It is adhered to in the letter of the law, and there are many interpretations of the spirit of that law.

My view is that the spirit of the law needs to be codified for a new world, and it is healthier to have that clear (and so open for debate) than to say someone is violating my idea of what the law should be.,

My starter for 10:

* Privacy is merely a politeness, and does not actually "exist". The expectations of privacy are the expectation for data to not be exploited without our consent.

* All digital communications and associated metadata are made in a public domain, and should have very limited expectations of privacy.

* If digital communication is encrypted, or marked as anonymous, then it should be legally viewed as having an expectatin of privacy and similar penalties applied for interfering with that as with post.

* Any monitoring of digital activity that can be linked to an individual human must be publically acknowledged by the monitoring organisation and the data released / published unless the individual has given consent for identifying data to be stored and processed to that organisation.

Its a thought in progress.

>> All digital communications and associated metadata are made in a public domain, and should have very limited expectations of privacy.

This is where we depart. Just because it is a public network does not mean that people somehow naturally consent to monitoring by anyone and everyone, nor that they should have to consent to this stuff. The telephone network is a good example of public and private infrastructure in which one still has the expectation of privacy.

>> If digital communication is encrypted, or marked as anonymous

And what if someone, mostly without notifying us, loads a script into our browser that tracks everything we do and reports back to mother?

This is not a case of people marking data private, nor is it 'digital communication' this is intrusion.

Also why?

Why should we accept that the government will report everything about it's own citizens to anyone they feel like?

Because it makes it easier for a few web developers? Is that really a good enough reason?

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