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In the end the rational thing to do in society is to match each job with the person who has the most compatible skill set.

This point is far from obvious. What if I don't like the job that your rational algorithm assigns to me?

Whenever people say something is "rational for society", they make two leaps of reason: 1) That individual people act as to maximize the value of some function. This is a factual statement, but utterly unfounded (Allais paradox, preference reversals etc.) and IMO incorrect. 2) That it's okay to aggregate the utility functions of many different people into a "common rational direction" for society, to be enforced by the state or other powerful agents. This is a moral statement that has been convincingly demonstrated to be repugnant by any number of 20th century socialist regimes.

Tl;dr stop telling me what's rational for me.

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