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I've been using it for almost a year now on my Windows, Linux and Android. Didn't have any issues so far. I would recommend the service to everyone concerned with privacy.

The only thing that one can be suspicious is whether they are transferring your key or not. But, at least they claim your data is safe and encrypted, while Dropbox, GDrive and similar services don't even pretend that they encrypt your data.

However, would still love to see an open source product like this that I can truly trust.

>> don't even pretend that they encrypt your data.

would it make you happier if they kept their services the same, but just pretended to introduce encryption? ;-)

>> don't even pretend that they encrypt your data.

> would it make you happier if they kept their services the same, but just pretended to introduce encryption? ;-)

No it wouldn't. What I wanted to say is that Wuala at least claims that they do client side encryption. I believe them, but someone else doesn't have to. So, data being safe with Wuala has probability between 0-100%, while data being safe with Dropbox has probability of 0.

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