It certainly has been odd watching Apple this year. Normally the company announces something significant every few months, but in 2013 they've gone (almost) completely silent. The last product release of note was the 2012 iMac, which was announced in October. So that's seven or eight months of silence.
Something has been brewing at Cupertino, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Between this and E3, this week is like nerd Christmas.
Based on Cook's statements during the last earnings report, we're not going to see a new category of hardware before Q4, but opening AppleTV for third party development, announcing broader content for AppleTV, and announcing a beefier AppleTV would be huge — I think the living room is Apple's to lose.
Imagine an AppleTV with sufficient grunt for games that uses iOS devices as remotes.
Something has been brewing at Cupertino, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Between this and E3, this week is like nerd Christmas.