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Show HN: Easily add a NSA backdoor to your Rails app (github.com/goshakkk)
188 points by goshakkk on June 8, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Wait, I thought the NSA backdoor gem was named "active_record < 3.2.12"?

Sigh. I guess humor is the only way to deal with this.

That and donating to the EFF. Link for the lazy https://supporters.eff.org/donate

Of course. Who in their mind would support the shit NSA does.

Unclear. But I do know people who genuinely read 'The Onion' articles as fact.

NSA Backdoor as a Service

For Django apps, just create an admin staff user with permission only to see the User model. Better, make it read all models.

Maybe autoreply to any email from the NSA with credentials for an automatically just created NSA user.

Actually, if companies like Facebook and Google are taking part in this (like many people assure) they probably have developed code like this for their services.

I wonder how those developers feel.

The number of people that would need to cooperate to keep the existence of this type of code secret is unfeasibly high. It's much more likely that the NSA simply has the companies' TLS keys and can intercept "secure" traffic. They then would have the technology to put in into a structured format and enable querying over the sniffed data.

"I think they `are` `a` `terrorist`." NSA is not happy with the grammar. :P

Someone needs to write a Javascript version.

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