I can't believe that people are getting mad these private enterprises. If you want your government not to spy on you, tell THEM. The governments was made to serve the people. The companies are going to do what they think is their best fiduciary responsibility. Get mad at your representatives in congress, not your email providers.
Amen. Perhaps it's because we expect so little of our government that we lash out at Zuck, LP etc as they at least answer to the free market, and therefore can effect change.
People have grown so cynical regarding government that they can chalk this stuff up to "business as usual". Governments have been spying on us (or trying to) for as long as we've been alive, but their ability to do so is vastly increased by new technology.
So why complain about the companies? There is a much greater possibility of change in private enterprise, but they often can't escape the mandates that government imposes, either. Some would like to think that the Googles and Facebooks can be heroes, and resist whatever nasty thing the government is doing today. It isn't that easy.
Well, who donates more to get the lobbying ears? Individuals, or huge businesses? Do you think your congressmen will listen to you, or a man donating millions to campaign funds? Politicians don't mind being hated, but I bet the likes of Page and co very much do. Reading their statements reads like they don't personally like this at all.
Pressure the people paying donations. Its the best chance you have.
Asking your government to change the laws when your government has shown you have no power over it is a waste of time.
There's a growing intellectual understanding that corporations control the governmental processes from start to finish. Therefore, asking the government to change is stupid.
If the King rules your country, petition the King for mercy.
If an oligarch rules your country, petition the oligarch for mercy.
If a corporate elite rules your country, petition the corporate elite.
Democracy is, quite simply, completely dead. Gone. Done. The government does not institute change based on democratic opinion. You have no control over your government. They aren't the real seat of power in this society.
Having said that, most of the power resides on Wall Street and in the Military-Industrial-Security complex rather than Silicon Valley corporations. But these Silicon Valley corporations are now rich enough to change the laws. They can crown themselves King with the right kind of manoeuvring, and Arrington here is trying to get them to do so.
Petitioning Larry Page or Paul Graham to have a conscience is far more fruitful than voting for the government you want.
The corporate elite does not rule the US. We are governed by a hodgepodge of competing interests, including at least corporations, bureaucracies, states, politicians, special interests and yes the people through democratic instruments.
I'm fairly sure lp and pg have strong consciences, at least much stronger consciences that arrington, of all people.