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Show HN: Hacker News for Windows Phone (windowsphone.com)
9 points by mbmccormick on June 4, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Looks good, I'd change the link to http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=57a88f24-7dce-47cb-b322-... which doesn't include region that ends up telling me the app isn't available for my region (en-NZ).

Might just be the screen on my phone (Lumia 920) but the orange seems very flouro compared the screenshots.

Good to see some Windows Phone apps on HN.

Windows Phone users, I am interested in hearing your feedback. Thanks to the HN users who helped with beta testing!

It is almost identical to 'Combinator', another WP HN app. No login, posting or replying functionality... which is why I'm writing this from my android phone! I do appreciate the cleaner typography and the links in comment actually work (combinator doesn't fix links). It's good, but not as complete as what is available on Android.

Taking a bold dive into the depths of despair that is HN's Microsoft-friendly sub-community. Kudos, good sir, I applaud you!

You actually suggest, there is a HN user with a `Windows Phone'?! I find this difficult to believe. Are you a Microsoft shill?

Love the app. There are a couple of HN apps for the Windows Phone, but I hereby declare that this is the best! (queue sound of trumpets).

Seriously though, nice work :)

Your comments are all dead from the next comment onwards (since yesterday basically). Looks like you've been hellbanned.

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