Indeed. Creating a new version of your post should be a POST to /posts/X/versions. This would create something like /posts/X/versions/U-U-I-D.
Since REST is all about mapping to the underlying semantics of HTTP you'd then want to make /posts/X redirect to /posts/X/versions/U-U-I-D
Since there's nothing wrong with updating your resource under the hood (think of e.g. posts/X would simply always redirect to the latest version.
If you don't always use the latest version by definition, then you'd probably do a PATCH with the new version id to /posts/X, or a PATCH with 'active: true' to /posts/X/version/O-L-D.
If I understand your solution correctly, does it mean that it's now the client's obligation to get the content from the revert-to version and create a new version and POST it to /posts/X/versions? That should work, but what if I don't wanna give the client the ability to create version arbitrarily (only allowed to revert to a pre-existing version)?
My first solution was assuming you could not revert. If you want to allow revert then the client would first call /posts/X/versions, get a list of all versions and then either do
Access control is completely orthogonal to this; so for your sample case you would just return a 403 for any other calls (like e.g. POSTs to /posts/X/versions)
Since REST is all about mapping to the underlying semantics of HTTP you'd then want to make /posts/X redirect to /posts/X/versions/U-U-I-D
Since there's nothing wrong with updating your resource under the hood (think of e.g. posts/X would simply always redirect to the latest version.
If you don't always use the latest version by definition, then you'd probably do a PATCH with the new version id to /posts/X, or a PATCH with 'active: true' to /posts/X/version/O-L-D.