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And if you are a backer you get beautifully made videos of this – and it’s glorious. All the tough decisions, all the problems, all the decision making processes and compromises, all the joy and sadness.

This was the deal from the beginning and they were very explicit about it. I mean, this whole thing got started because they wanted to document the game making process – warts and all – but you cannot typically do that with a publisher on board. They had to do their own thing.

If you are not a backer it’s very, very easy to get the wrong impression about this – but if you are a backer there is nothing better than getting an update email with a new video on their progress.

This shit is fucking awesome. I don’t even care whether there ever is a game. If this fails and I have it all on video I will be happy. (Well, I will be sad because I have empathy, but I will have enjoyed the ride.) I got hours of excellent video material for next to no money.

I don’t think you are really getting this. And it’s easy to not get it if you are not a backer. (Plus, The Cave has nothing to do with this. That game was made by different people. And I would call it a polarizing game, not a mediocre one.)

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