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FWIW, inXile, the guys who ran a Kickstarter campain for "Torment: Tides of Numenera" to great success before delivering on the goal of their previous campaign for "Wasteland 2", explained that the company works most efficiently by rolling pre-production talent (concept artists, writers to a degree, etc.) onto a new project when the previous product goes into full-on production, instead of having them sit idle.

But after watching the Double Fine documentary vids I don't get the feeling the same explanation would apply here - employees there seem to specialize less and be more flexible in their roles.

That said, I'll be backing this because those documentary vids are incredibly entertaining. Even if "Broken Age" never makes it out the door or winds up mediocre, I'll easily have gotten enough for my buck to make the exchange feel worthwhile to me (at the same time I'll admit that seems worrying even to me, turning development into a sort of performance art ...).

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