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For those interested in compiling down to Javascript with a strongly and statically typed language, there's a brilliant proper subset of Haskell that compiles down to Javascript called "Fay": https://github.com/faylang/fay/wiki

Also Roy, which is statically typed (with type inference) and is designed for JS interop. It's also written in JS and can be installed with just npm install roy http://roy.brianmckenna.org/

There is also js_of_ocaml, which can be used to compile straight OCaml to Javascript:


The site has some cool demos including webgl, canvas, and a OCaml toplevel (REPL).

i like the looks of opa too: http://opalang.org/

I would like it, but why oh why does it have Algol-like syntax? It started with ML-like one IIRC, so whyyyy? (it's just an expression of disappointment, not actual question)

yeah, that disappointed me deeply too :(

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