The attacker just needs to include the updated length, which he can likely calculate since the shared secret is probably the same length for all accounts-even if it is not he only needs it for this request--and he knows the length of the parameters and their values. It would take some guesswork and trial and error to nail it down, and the attacker would have to guess that the length was included in the first place. Assuming he has plenty of time and processing power it is not infeasible. There are a lot of fairly easy things you could add to make it more difficult to attack.
The attacker doesn't "update" the length. The attacker appends data to the message, which has the effect of turning the previously stamped message length into just another bunch of bits in the middle of the message, and then includes their own message length at the end. The final message must accurately represent the length of the original message including the shared secret, so there's trial and error involved, but it's just trials of "possible length of the shared secret".
Again, this works on MD4, MD5, SHA1, and all the SHA2's.
You shouldn't have deleted your comment. You're not expected to know this stuff. Very few people, relative to the whole industry, or even relative to the number of programmers who end up trying to build crypto, actually do know how a length extension attack works.
Yes, sorry for deleting a comment when there was a reply! For posterity, it was something like: "it seems like you would need to break MD5 in order to do this, because you'd have to update the length."