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There have been a number of competing products. Two that come to my mind quickly are Lotus Notes and DabbleDB.

:) If only IBM could work out what they were/are doing with notes/domino... Some aspects of it were well ahead of it's time. (Shame about the interface from 4 - 7)

I think that ship has well and truly sailed though.. (Notes 8.5 even has a pretty nice interface - on a beefy enough box anyway)

What gives you the idea that IBM doesn't know what they are doing? Their public statements about the product road map have been pretty clear.

it's slowly getting there. But I think it's too late.

Area's where IBM/Lotus dropped the ball:

- It looked too old for too long - pretty much anyone my age will find it (at least < v8) pretty archaic. I think the focus for so long was on keeping the interface the same (so as not to have to re-train any users) - it missed the fact that anyone new to the corporate world is going to be horrified at how old/slow/crap most of Notes 7 looks -- (and don't get me started on the Workspace)

- Desktop Email clients are probably in a slow death circle (note the fact that I've had a web based email account for about half of my life now - 12 years). I love the 8.5 Sametime integration - but for an email interface - I prefer my gmail account.

- The sales pitch was always pretty confused. Email. Groupware. Databases. There is definite value in some of the Notes/Domino offering - but getting a sales rep to explain it to you is a fair bit of a challenge

- Lack of end user marketing / interest. How many organizations in the world today could could announce "We're deploying Lotus Notes" and have people excited? Not many I'm guessing -- at least - most people I've talked to have only ever heard the horror stories For most people -- their opinion of the notes interface equals something like: http://homepage.mac.com/bradster/iarchitect/lotus.htm or http://lotusnotessucks.4t.com/

I think IBM are basically doing the right things with it now.. but I basically see it slowly dying..

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