| | Star Trek feels like 1960s scifi. I want to see 2010s scifi | |
15 points by vtempest on May 25, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments
| | While I love sci-fi featuring white male protagonists, the positive is it is the most far reaching stretch of the human imagination; the negative is I am sad it focused on space exploration and failed to incorporate the most recent futurist ideas like transhumanist consciousnesses, world libertarianism, and AI hive minds. We need more sci-fi featuring the kinds of things we can get done in the next 30 years. |
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It's interesting that Star Trek was actually quite progressive:
>Beyond Star Trek's fictional innovations, its contributions to TV history included a multicultural and multiracial cast. While more common in subsequent years, in the 1960s it was controversial to feature an Enterprise crew that included a Japanese helmsman, a Russian navigator, a black female communications officer, and a Vulcan-Terran first officer.
You would expect a little bit more now. The latest Star Trek film is basically about two white dudes battling two other white dudes plus "hey let's find an excuse to get this blonde chick in her underwear."