Just out of curiosity, I ran the same tests on my Linode (cheapest/1 GB plan) and got impressively different results for 2 of the 3 tests.
My disk speed test was very similar, but my memory and CPU tests were well over twice as fast as the results linked in the article. My CPU is also reported as slower than the test system in /proc/cpuinfo.
Benchmarking VPS providers seems problematic, something I'm sure has been mentioned here before. The linked article is still a datapoint, but experiences do seem to vary with this sort of thing. Which makes comparing individual providers difficult, but also points out (IMHO) some significant problems when it comes to relying on virtual systems for anything sensitive to the performance of a single machine.
Very true. Performance can vary by server and by time of day, sometimes pretty significantly. But on the whole, the feel of the Hot Drupal server, in particular, has been much faster than anything else I've used. But the cost is pretty high for the small performance edge.
It would have been nice to see where Rackspace (Cloud Servers) falls when compared with these options. It's a good candidate in this space with a price point in the same ballpark, though different pricing structure.
Unfortunately, I don't have any servers with Rackspace right now. I used to have a few Slicehost slices, but that was about two years ago.
I also wanted to run some benchmarks on a couple other providers, and on my local Mac, but didn't have time today. Might update the article when I get time.