No. Sorry, had to work with Drupal 6 for 2 years. Made me quit my job. That's one hell I want to avoid, even when they do switch to symphony. No hard feelings.
At one place I worked a number of years ago, one of my colleagues, who was always the first one there in the morning, had the job of getting Drupal running and some extension/module/plugin/whatever installed and hacked up in order to carry out some task. He was not really happy with it, to put it mildly, but managed to get things working.
When I left the company, I set up a cron job on my computer to randomly play an .mp3 of me saying DRRUUUUPPPAAAALLL during the early hours of the day when he was there. I guess he just about wet himself the first time he was sitting there alone and heard it, the way he tells it.