I would like to form a LLC, with me owning the company (and no investors; and no plan for future investors) -- mainly for releasing iPhone, facebook apps, and silly web 2.0 apps.
I want to know how much this will cost me, in the form of $BASE + $RECURRING_PER_YEAR .
I live in CA, and am willing to file the LLC in Deleware (I hear it's much easier in Deleware?). I'm also a student (so only permenant address is a PO Box), so I need some other company to officially be the 'location/address' of my LLC.
If you have gone through this, or know of a good article on this (I keep on getting crap like "Come to our website, we'll file for you for $199.99") please let me know.
By operating in California you'll essentially still owe the same franchise and other taxes, so you might as well form in California.
If you're interested enough in having an LLC to ask the question, perhaps you want to get a reference guide, like perhaps one of the Nolo Press guides. One example (they have a few):
And remember, legal advice you get for free in discussion threads is worth no more, and possibly less, than what you paid for it.