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Can you really defend US Federal taxes in 2013 when most of the money goes to fund dishonest wars and various social ponzi schemes?

Your point is valid in an idealized world where taxation is fair and spending transparent. But in today's world progressive taxation is simply a tool to extort complacency from the masses and allow the powerful to start costly wars using terms like "evil" and "evildoers" rather than having to make a rational cost/benefit analysis.

My original reply was to the assertion that taxes are theft, which it patently isn't. I agree a lot of it is going to means to dubious ends and that can only change during elections.

  > Spending must be transparent. No argument here.
  > Wars of aggression (already illegal) must stop.
  > War on drugs, and other likewise stupid expenditures must stop
  (slow, but getting there)
These will only change when politicians start representing the people that voted them into office. Remember that: Only the people that voted them into office. Not those who hold the majority sentiment. The two groups aren't necessarily the same.

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