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Am I reading this article correctly, that the IRS didn't sieze medical records but rather a collection of records that included a small number of financial records they needed and then a large number of medical records they didn't care about?

As I read it, they were looking for one guy's financial records, ended up taking millions of health records -- even after repeated warnings they were screwing up.

"...According to the case, the IRS agents had a search warrant for financial data pertaining to a former employee of the John Doe company..."

What makes you think they didn't care about the medical records? Because they weren't listed in the search warrant?

I wonder who gained access to this data after it was seized?

What political party hack would not want access to "psychological counseling, gynecological counseling, sexual/drug treatment and other medical treatment data" of current or future political figures?

What makes you think the IRS does care about medical records?

Because HSA and FSA contributions & expenses are reportable.

Right: If my tax-deductible Health Savings Account money is actually going to get me "stress-related therapy" in the form of a hand job, the IRS wants to know.

And probably more than they usually want to know about these things.

Since HITECH, all medical records are supposed to be encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Reading http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/03/14/55707.htm it seems like the John Doe Plaintiff is a hosting company or datacenter, not the HIPAA covered entity.

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