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A tragic story, but my money is on the IRS in this one. They do not have to have an ongoing criminal or civil case. The Congress back in 2008 saw fit to that.

Remember the law where you had to start creating 1099s for every vendor you ran across? People yelled at that got taken care of, but there's a lot more in that law yet to come. [inset long discussion about the exact nature of that requirement]

I'd be interested in knowing if it is still possible to keep your health records private. I used to self-pay and this was not a problem. But now? Where I have to be part of some aggregate that then assesses health risks? I'm not sure how it works. (And note the use of the word "private", not "anonymous")

> A tragic story, but my money is on the IRS in this one.

Or at least 20% of it is.

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