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You really need to do a better job explaining this. I know how CSVs work, but I don't know this could help me.

What is "your users" in this context?

Yup. We're working on making this clearer right now.

"Your users" is _your_ users. You add a Javascript snippet to your app which sends us up-to-date information about your users (as they move around your app) — we record that data and allow you (or a colleague) to download a CSV of the data at any time.

Does that make sense?

In addition to adding the JS include for your script, we need to call a series of EasyCSV.user functions to identify the user currently viewing that page and set the data we want to store about that user for that page. But all that data we'd need to pump out into the JS calls is already coming from somewhere... a DB I would assume. For me, that seems like a bit too much overhead for such a simple task. Since all the user data is in the DB already anyway, when we want a CSV of our users, we do DB export. Unless I am missing something, I don't see this being very useful myself. But if it helps you, then it might help someone else.

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