If you want it to pass, you need to call your Congress Critters and, more importantly, get other people to call theirs. Most people don't understand the issues at hand, so it is up to those of us who do understand it to educate others.
Is calling my representative and saying to the staff "I'm a constituent and would like to express my desire for Rep X to support this bill" or is there something more concrete that we should say?
edit: I'm starting to think that for each of the bills we care about (whether it be in support or in defiance), having a "blueprint" of what to say during the call might help the "fringe callers" in calling their representatives (especially if it is the first time doing so)
Click on the representative(s) you want to contact and you'll get all of their contact information. From everything I've heard, contacting them by phone is the single best way to get attention. The less effort you put into contacting them, the less they think you care. So show them how much you care.
If this fails, will the digital community start taking the corruption of lobbyists more seriously? If we could turn the anti-SOPA campaign into something like rootstrikers.org's campaign to decouple large donations from politics, we might be able to nullify the voices that make common-sense laws so unlikely to pass.
It doesn't require corruption of lobbyists for this to fail.
What makes you assume it was actually intended to go anywhere?
AFAIK, there is a huge influx of bills introduced right before most recesses (or other related times), most offered with no intention of going anywhere, and they don't even follow up on them.
They are done so the congressperson who introduced it can go back home and tell folks "that's why I just introduced a bill in congress to do X".
It sounds impressive, but it's completely meaningless.
I'm not suggesting this is what is happening here, but i'm just pointing out that corruption is not always related to "good" bills failing.
It may be have been introduced just to start a discussion, and make clear how much support there is, to test the waters of the committees, or a million other non-lobbyist reasons that would mean it will never go anywhere.
While you're contacting your local representatives, don't forget to mention what happened to the people[1] and organizations[2] that dared to support SOPA, because the inverse just might happen here.