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FireDiff - track changes to a page's DOM and CSS (incaseofstairs.com)
48 points by bisceglie on April 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Yeah, this is awesome if nothing else for giving me a tool to see what I've tweaked/played with when using the Firebug CSS editor to play with my site's styling. This should become a default addition to Firebug.

Can the editors add an apostrophe to "pages"? Apologies in advance for my insanity, but I really did trip over this headline and had to re-read.

Thanks magical, mysterious editors! :)

This is fantastic. The only thing I'd like to see from this is optionally automatically store the changes across page loads, however not applying them unless a button is clicked.

The use case is those times when you have made the magical combination of css/dom changes to fix a bug and accidentally refresh the page, losing all that work. Just having the diff available after refresh would be great.

This is fully awesome, though I guess I should upgrade to Firebug 1.4. It doesn't seem to work on 1.3.3 at all (though I may be missing something). And I know it says it requires/recommends 1.4, I just thought I'd mention it for anyone running FB 1.3.3

doesn't quite look ready for prime-time... but it's something for which i've been waiting to see, with no time to build it myself. firebug 1.4 should also be awesome when the beta drops (hopefully soon?).

The page states a requirement for Firebug 1.4

Haven't tried it yet, but I would imagine those are some very expensive events to be observing for.

It's cool but I can't think of a case to use it for. What problem does this solve?

Firebug lets you change CSS and HTML and displays the result immediately on your screen. Sometimes with a strange display bug I'll go through and make a number of CSS changes until some combination of them have magically fixed my bug. This plugin will tell me everything that I've done so that I can make the necessary changes to the actual files.

The next step would be a "commit" feature that automagically persists your changes into your source code in exactly the same way you'd do it manually.

I'm getting a bit sick at the "read-only" nature of most source code.

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