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4Chan's Plan to Game Twitter (The Race to 1 Million) (readwriteweb.com)
24 points by calvin on April 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

The joke's on everybody: Spammers surpassed the mark for 1 million recipients of useless information years ago! They make up 95% of e-mail now; nobody can beat that!

Still, I hope 4Chan wins. Just to piss off everybody who somehow thinks this matters.

I agree. I completely hate the fact that having one million followers is considered main stream news somehow.

I see CNN and Kutcher already got 1M followers.

It costs about $1000 to have 1,000,000 CAPTCHAs solved by hand. They could ask for donations or just use stolen credit card numbers to pay the Indians.


Probably the cheapest way to crack captchas manually... I hate to generalize, but any idiot can find willing foreign labour (and maybe even some domestic?) to crack captchas on sites like elance.

CNN, Kutcher, 4Chan. The race to be the biggest twit.

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