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Really. I've recently been getting into node/express after years of Java, and these results make me feel a whole lot less cool.

Well no matter what you use, you should always benchmark for that exact reason. Making things go fast takes a lot of performance engineering, and the JVM has millions of dollars worth of tuning put into it.

BTW, if you like Node.js, you should probably look at Vert.x. I haven't used it, but it's a similar concept, it runs on the JVM, and it seems to spank Node.js.

When you benchmark Vert.x on a multicore system vs 1 node process. Now add multiple node processes to occupy the cores and store changes completely

Indeed. Node's IPC costs are orders of magnitude slower than Java's volatile or atomic datatypes. I would only choose Node for stateless or trivially parallelizable problems--e.g., those where I could push the state problem into a runtime with real threads.


The benchmark is using multiple Node processes.

I got on the Node thing for awhile too, but went back to Java/JBoss/Tomcat/Spring. If you are skilled with the Java stack it is hard to beat for performance and breadth. If you are not, well, I admit the learning curve is steep.

I definitely agree for large applications.

But for quickly spinning up a few light service endpoints, Node can't be beat. Especially if you are using JSON-based persistence like MongoDB or CouchDB, using JSON all the way from database to the client is a huge win. I get tired of writing lots of JAXB POJOs to map my JSON objects to and from, especially early on in development when those definitions change rapidly. That's why enjoy using Node, especially for "toy" projects. Less boilerplate and more productive quickly.

Side note: I find myself wishing Node had Annotations and AOP... one of Java's coolest (though oft-misused) features IMHO.

You should look into clojure/compojure. You can get higher performance and write even less code.

try our RingoJs: it's JS on the JVM. Scripting Java with JavaScript.

This, just in case noobs were not confused enough by Java/JavaScript? :)

confusing but accurate :)

The ability to script Java is one of Ringo's killer features - for this benchmark, for example, we dropped in two jars (JDBC myqlconnector & connection pooling from apachecommons) and glued them together with 10 LOC of JS.

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