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I used to think this way, to a certain extent. These thoughts go away once you realize why other variables besides skill have strong effects on the success equation. Most are related to emotional intelligence: your ability to convince others, to make them feel comfortable following your lead. Sadly what gets you ahead the most are the soft skills many of HN users lack (stereotypically at least). Remember not everyone has the same perspective: most of your interactions occur with a computer - a machine without emotions. People are different, they have kids, problems, and most importantly, feelings.

I agree, these things are important only because people aren't rational, most times I just call them stupid. There's nothing you can do to change that. You can only learn how to play the game and make sure you promote meritocratic ideals through your work and any initiative under your responsibility. Create a company and engrain these ideals in its culture. Try to be objective. Teach others how to do this.

The most important actionable I think is this: polish your managerial skills. Learn how to deal with people and you will become orders of magnitude more resourceful. Managing people allows you to reap the benefits of becoming specialised in several fields without having to spend the time needed to benefit from such diverse proficiency. Im not saying you dont need a core competence, my claim is that this is the only way to benefit from having 'several' core competencies without acquiring them.

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