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Diet and exercise are critical for mental wellness (I do OK on the diet and horrible on the exercise, but I'm better than I was last year on both counts). Ketogenic diets (e.g. "low carb") have shown to have a significant positive effect on schizophrenics[1] as well as being a long-known treatment for epilepsy[2] for people for whom drugs don't work or are too dangerous and is showing initial signs it might have positive impact on autism[3].

My point is this: Diet has a huge impact on mental health. My personal belief (based on research, not faith :) is that sugar is toxic, but even if you don't believe that, it is clear that sugar has an impact on the brain[4].

1. http://journals.psychiatryonline.org/article.aspx?Volume=121...

2. https://zooko.com/file/URI%3ACHK%3Ac23hp4yicl5e5lc4p6k5w2bo6...

3. http://jcn.sagepub.com/content/18/2/113.short

4. http://dobrochan.ru/src/pdf/1212/2010_CurrOpinClinNutrMetabC...

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