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Anecdotally I can definitely say my depression seems to get worse when I'm sleeping more and it almost becomes a feedback loop because I want to sleep more therefore making it even worse. It might also have something to do with a sense of productivity feeding back into the depression but that's a different story. Ultimately this makes me want to do a better job of recording sleep patterns and seeing if that correlates with my depression. Anyone suggest using a tool like fitbit for this purpose?

"It might also have something to do with a sense of productivity feeding back into the depression but that's a different story."

I don't suffer from depression but FWIW I have noticed lack of productivity leading to a down mood in the same way simply accomplishing something (even getting the room cleaned up) can lead to an up mood.

I would go for a Jawbone Up if your using it mainly for sleep tracking. The sleep tracking on a fitbit is a bit of a hassle since you have to get it out and put it in its own separate arm band.

I used an early version of http://www.sleeptracker.com/ and it worked well.

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