Exit claimed: "okay, but if you campaign for the well being of women by appealing to notions of gender equality, you must ultimately equally believe in the well being of men."
The fact that women fight for women's issues on the basis of gender equality is no different than the fact that gays fight for gay issues on the basis of equality w.r.t. sexual orientation. In neither case does the implication follow that just because people fight for their own group on the basis of equality with other groups that they should necessarily be concerned about the issues of concern to those other groups.
I believe strongly in environmental justice, and think poor people deserve a clean environmental equally with rich people. That doesn't mean I care or spend much time thinking about pollution in the Hamptons.
> The fact that women fight for women's issues on the basis of gender equality is no different than the fact that gays fight for gay issues on the basis of equality w.r.t. sexual orientation.
Yes, it is. Men and women are two halves of the whole that makes up Humans. And any progress in the area of equality among Humans must ultimately involve both.
Exit's argument was a continuation of the original argument posited by RyanZAG, for which he was down-voted in spite of a meaningful contribution to the conversation. Down-votes are for useless or off-topic replies, not for when you simply don't agree.
From RyanZAG's original comment:
> I have no idea why this has to be so gender specific. Every argument works equally well in terms of fathers as well, yet she doesn't even take that second to even consider the issue. She doesn't think to write about people, but only about women.
The fact that women fight for women's issues on the basis of gender equality is no different than the fact that gays fight for gay issues on the basis of equality w.r.t. sexual orientation. In neither case does the implication follow that just because people fight for their own group on the basis of equality with other groups that they should necessarily be concerned about the issues of concern to those other groups.
I believe strongly in environmental justice, and think poor people deserve a clean environmental equally with rich people. That doesn't mean I care or spend much time thinking about pollution in the Hamptons.