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I'll assume you live in a first world country with plenty of expensive infrastructure that you guys were happy to pay for. Now imagine you live in a city like Beijing where traffic is bad...not just bad...but hellish. There is not much space to build roads even if they have money, there are 30,000 taxis and a few hundred thousand private cars AND NOT MUCH PARKING. The problem is extreme, the solution will be extreme; it helps that the government is autocratic.

Now say Beijing implements the change: within the 5th ring road, autonomous cars only. Most people don't own one of these cars, but its fine...the city and various private companies have a fleet of 100k or so that they treat basically as taxies. Because no humans are involved in the system, they can achieve 10x densities, basically solving traffic, parking, and pollution problems overnight.

Could your average human being handle tailgating and slack-free synchronous movement of a bunch of cars? Of course not! That's why they aren't driving anymore. Could we disable the system outside of cities without traffic? Ya, but in China, the traffic and infrastructure problems are everywhere, it will catch on.

Now your western cities, they don't have traffic problems mostly, not on this scale. But these cities will then have to compete economically with other cities with the system. Its a world market, if it the new system is 10x better, the other cities will have to follow to remain competitive; perhaps some Disney like places will exist where people can drive cars, but that is how the future works!

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