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I just wish it featured some JS syntax highlighting, true to spec JS linting (drop a semicolon and the parser errors) and perhaps CoffeeScript support. Not sure what the implications would be with learning CS before JS or during, but I support its presence none the less.

Syntax highlighting would be great indeed, I didn't implement it because it didn't seem like the most important thing to do. The project is open source though, so if you would like to implement syntax highlighting or CS support, then that would be superb! :D

How do you feel the extra step of compiling to CoffeeScript would impact performance and response time? I have been considering contributing in that direction.

Probably a limited performance impact. But keep in mind that my current parser doesn't even allow creation of objects, closures, etc., so the value of adding CoffeeScript is also rather limited, at this point. :-(

Is there any reason you didn't use CodeMirror? You'd have gotten completion and syntax-highlighting for free then.

Yes, it would have cost me more time. Would be great to have though. :)

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