Hey, just wanted to let you know you're breaking the twitter display requirements (https://dev.twitter.com/terms/display-requirements) by not swapping out the t.co links with their real addresses. You gotta use those tweet_entities the API gives you.
>"Links in Tweet text must be displayed using the display_url field in the URL entities API response, and link to the original t.co url field"
On this topic, is there an app or site where I can just view inspirational pictures from sources like cgsociety.org CG Choice Gallery, and perhaps others (500px, Deviantart). A place where seeing the next photo is just a swipe or 'j' press away. Mostly I'd like cgsociety because they have a very clumsy way to view photos one after another (you have to open each one in a new tab, etc.).
I'm building this actually (been at it for a couple years :-/). But you know what, deviantArt got a lot better at browsing pictures a few months ago, with their 'more like this' feature. You should check it out.
Very cool idea. Problem: When I choose a filter, and then click "show me more", it deletes the filter. Thus, I can only get one page of results when I use a filter.
A lot of fun, even if most the ideas are nonsense or impossible. If you were to build this out further, I'd add more phrases like "There has to be a better way" (i.e. https://twitter.com/rdegges/status/325885686404227072 )
I like this because its creative, but was relatively easy to implement. It didn't need a million hours of coding, just a text search for keywords (I'm oversimplifying a bit obviously). It let your brain do the heavy lifting to save on programming time. Elegant.
Fantastic work! Was thinking about building something similar earlier today, actually.
I do find the top banner quite annoying though: the fixed positioning doesn't add any value, and it's quite large. It looks pretty, just give it absolute positioning.
[1] http://www.twtspire.com/