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Show HN: Tweetspiration – let Twitter brainstorm ideas for you (tweetspiration.com)
82 points by jellyksong on April 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 36 comments

I did something very similar to this a while back[1]. I also wrote a blog post about it with code here http://blog.interstellr.com/post/22534653144/mining-twitter-...

[1] http://www.twtspire.com/

Thanks for sharing the technical details!

Just remember the wise words of Henry Ford, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses". Nice website and idea!

Hey, just wanted to let you know you're breaking the twitter display requirements (https://dev.twitter.com/terms/display-requirements) by not swapping out the t.co links with their real addresses. You gotta use those tweet_entities the API gives you.

>"Links in Tweet text must be displayed using the display_url field in the URL entities API response, and link to the original t.co url field"

Thanks for telling me, I'll change that as soon as I can. And I seem to violate the "Actions" and "Branding" requirements as well...

Similar, a subreddit called "somebody make this" http://www.reddit.com/r/SomebodyMakeThis

"Someone should make an app that tells me how much pizza i am"

Well, I know what I'm doing for my weekend project!

Welcome to youarenotpizza.com

This is pretty neat, I like it.

On this topic, is there an app or site where I can just view inspirational pictures from sources like cgsociety.org CG Choice Gallery, and perhaps others (500px, Deviantart). A place where seeing the next photo is just a swipe or 'j' press away. Mostly I'd like cgsociety because they have a very clumsy way to view photos one after another (you have to open each one in a new tab, etc.).

I'm building this actually (been at it for a couple years :-/). But you know what, deviantArt got a lot better at browsing pictures a few months ago, with their 'more like this' feature. You should check it out.

You should search for 'somebody should' in addition to 'someone should'.

Add to your list: ought to, needs to, I wish someone would, etc...quickly gets out of hand.

There is already a similar app called http://theinternetwishlist.com/ by some female developer, Amrit Richmond.

"some female developer"?

Very cool idea. Problem: When I choose a filter, and then click "show me more", it deletes the filter. Thus, I can only get one page of results when I use a filter.

Ah nice catch! Should be fixed now :)

A lot of fun, even if most the ideas are nonsense or impossible. If you were to build this out further, I'd add more phrases like "There has to be a better way" (i.e. https://twitter.com/rdegges/status/325885686404227072 )

I like this because its creative, but was relatively easy to implement. It didn't need a million hours of coding, just a text search for keywords (I'm oversimplifying a bit obviously). It let your brain do the heavy lifting to save on programming time. Elegant.

Fantastic work! Was thinking about building something similar earlier today, actually. I do find the top banner quite annoying though: the fixed positioning doesn't add any value, and it's quite large. It looks pretty, just give it absolute positioning.

Check the timestamps, they are in UTC, you better change them according to user's time zone

Should be fixed!

On the $(document).ready call change:

   var d = new Date(element.name);

   var d = Date.parse(element.name);
This will solve the "undefined NaN, NaN:aN PM" issue.

Changed, thanks!

Someone should make sure that troll tweets are removed :D

Reminds me of "Ortiel's Game Idea Generator": http://orteil.dashnet.org/gamegen

Nice idea. In the display, it shows "undefined NaN, NaN:aN PM". Probably a JS bug of some sort.

Same. Happens in Firefox but not Chrome.

Great idea. It would be nice to vote on some of the ideas and then filter the most voted...

Maybe a way to filter by popularity too?

There's a lot of duplicate tweets and retweets of the original. Filter out the duplicates.

.. and indicate there are multiple people interested.

Someone should store them in a database and do some data mining on them

"Someone should start a Netflixesqu mail service but for pancakes instead of DVDs."


This is really neat! Great job!

Thank you!

Great job

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