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By the absolute definition of Meritocracy, no, it's not. But then again, by the absolute definition of Democracy, America is not.

However, in the sense that nature/nurture (being born to a well off family that constantly provides opportunities) leads to more "merits" it technically is. Therefore the real problem is that it is so -bound- to income and class.

(and just because we have no explicit labels for class, if you think that such a notion is an "illusion" then you are living in a bubble.)

A child raised in an abusive home has a far lesser probability of success than a child raised in a supportive one. This indeed disbands the zeitgeist of meritocracy (anyone can do it), but reinforces the definition of it (success based on achieved merits).

Zeitgeist of Meritocracy !== Definition of Meritocracy !== Implementation of Meritocracy

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