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Crikey, just read the paper:

""" On a scale from "the title starts with Toward" to "Donald Knuth has finally finished the 8th volume on the subject," this work is a 3. """

Both the video and paper are well worth going through!

The Abstract is 16 words. The introduction begins with "The Nintendo Entertainment System is probably the best video game console, citation not needed." Need we say more?

Also, I wish non-programming fields of media would also adopt pythonic triple-quotation marks.

Eww, why would you want triple quotation marks being adopted anywhere?

What overlying function in print would they serve exactly?

Many people forget that using inch marks in place of quotation marks (which don't have neating issues) is an ASCII-only phenomenon.

They aren't "inch marks". They're straight double quote marks. The prime (used for feet, arc minutes), double prime (used for inches, arc seconds) and ditto mark are all distinct.

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