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> As a result, they use less electricity than its developed counterparts.

It's almost like that's valuable information when we're discussing an electricity generation technology. You wrote this without qualification in terms of what you meant:

"Those windmills currently cover 1 million people. The world has 7 billion people and growing quickly."

I replied to exactly that, and you're calling me economically illiterate for pointing out the economic illiteracy in your original comment? You cannot be that stupid. There is absolutely no way. You have to be a troll.

> China passed the USA in energy consumption in 2010.

Total energy consumption, notably oil due to the sudden increase in automobiles in China since the 1990s once private citizens became able to own automobiles. China currently builds more automobiles than all of Europe, because demand is absolutely through the roof. So it would make sense that China passed the United States in total energy consumption rather quickly. We're discussing electric energy, remember?

You cannot be that stupid. There is absolutely no way. You have to be a troll.

I think it is more likely that you simply misunderstood the point he was trying to make, which is that the growth curve[1] matters.

We're discussing electric energy, remember?

You're right to point out the demand for automobiles in China, but that has a great deal to do with rapid urbanization and economic growth, which has had a similar effect on electricity consumption.

[1] http://www.eia.gov/countries/img/charts_png/CH_elecon_img.pn...

There's no reply button for me underneath your threads initially until some time passes. I guess that's how HN works for some. I'll respond to your latest comment here.

> If you say things like "we have a lot of people, so wind power won't work for us,"

Don't you just hate it when people put words into your mouth? Yeah, point me specifically to where I said or implied that.

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