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I'll bite.

Nuclear as commercially implemented today is uninsurable. Even without insurance, a nuclear power plant is an extremely complex, capital intensive machine. The technology may be perfectly sound, with scientists able to control it perfectly, but the problem to me is the top heavy organisational structure. The management water head.

I do agree more research is needed towards passive security compact scale fission using thorium. After investing a lot of money into harvesting wind, that is.

Indeed, or more revealingly, it will be insured implicitly by the government. But governments know this.

Yeh, this is the thing I always find a bit suspicious about nuclear power. If noone is prepared to price the risk (and can also realistically pay out on a claim) then how can you ever come up with a $/KW price for comparison?

Same thing for hydroelectric plants. If we look at historical disasters hydro power has caused way more damage.

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