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Definitely another entertaining rant, both about the difficulty of legalizing marijuana and the dangers of equating obvious with easy.

My big problem with his rant about the difficulty of legalization is that people are suffering badly, right now, and you have to weigh that against the challenges of "the project".

There's "stop the bleeding" and "cure the disease." Sometimes, you can't wait for a full plan on the cure. In my opinion, denying cancer patients a drug reduces pain and improves appetite counts as bleeding. At some point, you have to deal with the consequences later.

Which we do - California's medical marijuana facilities have been raided by federal police, product was seized, product was returned, appeals were filed, etc...

Sure, I suppose this would have gone more smoothly if we'd denied cancer patients 10 years of relief so a profoundly inept and corrupt bureaucracy could catch up with morality.

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