I really like the status bar with the arrow-breadcrumbs look. I will definitely be incorporating that into my config.
If others are looking for a great config to start out with definitely check out Brian P. Hogan's tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development [1]. It is a great quick intro to tmux that demos and steps through the creation of a great tmux.conf
The status bar with the arrow breadcrumbs _looks like_ powerline. If you read his tmux config, he's not actually using powerline, he just duplicated the appearance.
I understand using console window managers when logged into a headless system where you don't otherwise have access to a UI, but I'm baffled by the desire to use console-based window managers within well defined GUI like OS X.
In OS X, there are multitudes of tools to allow you to manage windows. Spectacle is a simple one, Slate is extremely customizable.
Why not use the built-in OS X window manager to manager various windows rather than a console-based one? If you say the advantage is the shortcut keys, Slate lets you setup shortcut keys to do just about anything.
Can anyone give me a list of pros/cons for using a console-based window manager over a native one?
One use case I used to do often is switching between headless/remote and local use. Imagine sitting at your desktop, starting something, then detaching, going somewhere else... Then you ssh back to the desktop and resume the same session. Your stuff has been running there the whole time.
As the article concludes: "These tools are powerful not because you can use the keyboard instead of a mouse, they are powerful because you can combine them in new ways" (for context: through tmux-prefixed commands, your scripts can talk to your terminals). But more importantly, if you don't think of it as a replacement for a window manager it makes more sense - it's "only" a terminal multiplexer. You'll still have need/use for a great WM, too.
it is lightweight, contained, and excellent if you have a "unix-like" workflow. Typically I'll have a watch script, server, and vim in a given window, and it is super compact. Some cons are probably the learning curve required to see any advantage, and the fundamental lack of any respect for mousing, which can be in the pro column for many.
That's interesting. I practically never use the mouse to switch between windows in OS X or Windows.
The biggest problem I have with tmux is vertical splits don't work with native copy-paste because the selection goes across both panes. Using multiple terminal windows, on the other hand, doesn't have that issue.
Using a mouse, you can use tmux's new (in 1.8) pane expansion. prefix + z causes the current pane to take up the entire window. prefix + z again and it goes back to normal. Essentially, it's a maximized/restore capability.
For tmux, I assign the bind-key to backtick (`) and last-window to TAB. Then do most of my work in window #1. On a US keyboard, I find it pretty easy to move between windows with `1, `2, `TAB, etc.
Remap your keys. Capslock makes for a very nice control key, cause really, that's the single most used modifier/power key that gets used aside from maybe shift. You can also remap the "lead-in" character.
I use ^j on both screen and tmux (tmux isn't on our prod servers). This frees up ^a in screen so ^a can send me to the beginning of a line, which is quite nice as I write a lot of long commands and it works in several different programs. It's just a really easy combo to hit that avoids chording or stretching your hands to do something like that constantly. My right hand does not hit the 'b' key for squat.
Honestly, a lot of stuff is configurable so that with some thought and planning (and knowledge and research) you can relieve a lot of weird movements with your hands.
I somewhat agree, and the suggestions from others are good, but something that also is a big help with RSI: take more breaks. I have a script set up to remind me to take a break every hour, and it dims my monitor for 10 minutes each time. That has made the largest difference for me.
The single most irritating thing about tmux is that viewers have to look at the same window or whatever it is called. My typical usage pattern is to connect twice, have one window where there is a long running task I want to monitor and a second where I am typing commands. But I can't show one in one connection and the other in the other connection.
Note that I use byobu to front end things, and when using screen this can easily be done. I have seen workarounds that involve using multiple copies of tmux talking to each other in various heroic configurations but that is silly.
From the manpage (for new-session): If -t is given, the new session is grouped with target-session. This means they share the same set of windows - all windows from target-session are linked to the new session and any subsequent new windows or windows being closed are applied to both sessions. The current and previous window and any session options remain independent and either session may be killed without affecting the other.
I've started running tmux in all my terminals automatically, and conveniently sharing a "master" session between them all.
Instead of running tmux directly, I have a small script which creates a session named TMUX-MASTER if it doesn't already exist, and immediately detaches it. All the clients that I actually interact with are created separately and automatically grouped with the TMUX-MASTER session.
To prevent my system from being clogged by dozens of detached client sessions, I rebound prefix+d to kill-session, killing the client session but leaving my TMUX-MASTER session untouched. Closing terminals while running these client sessions, however, still leaves my system cluttered with dormant client sessions.
I'd like to see if a "ephemeral" option (it'd need a better name) could easily be added to new-session, which would cause the created session to just die when it's told to detach, or receives the HUP signal. It'd simplify things a bit.
I used to do this all of the time in screen, but I haven't done so since switching to tmux (haven't run upon the situation). You've inspired me to look into it.
First, terminology. I know that tmux has: servers, clients, windows, sessions, and panes, but I've never bothered to understand how they fit together.
* server - The server is a process that listens on a unix socket, and accepts connections from clients. Each server manages one or more sessions, which is a grouping of windows.
* client - A terminal connected to the server. Each client connects to a single session on the server.
* session - A collection of windows on a server.
Each session has a single 'active window.' When you connect two clients to a single session, switching the current active window affects what both clients see.
Windows can be shared between sessions, and a single window can be present in multiple sessions. This culminates in a tmux feature called "grouped sessions" where multiple sessions are linked and share the same windows. You can use this command:
This is so much more complicated! When using byobu I use F3 and F4 to cycle to previous and next window. I can't understand why they think that by default I want all of the viewers to switch at once.
I think that the main issue that you're having is that 'active window' is an attribute of a session, and not of the client. If 'active window' were specific to a client, then two clients could switch windows independently while connected to the same session.
You could petition for an option to the `attach-session` command that automatically creates a new session grouped to the session that you're 'attaching' to. IIRC, you can't attach two 'clients' to the same (GNU) screen session unless you use the -x option, so it's not like it's the 'default' behaviour for screen either.
I wasn't thinking, but `new-session` will automatically connect to the new session you created, so there is no need for an option to `attach-session`. So when you want to connect a second client, just:
# find the session you want
$ tmux list-sessions
# create a grouped session
$ tmux new-session -t SESSION_ID
Edit 2:
| This is so much more complicated!
Depends. If you're using byobu, then you're already attempting to abstract away a bunch of the complexity of GNU screen, so it's not like you would find less complexity if you dove into the screen internals. It's also this design that makes it easier to do complex things that screen can't do with its windows.
| When using byobu I use F3 and F4 to cycle to
| previous and next window.
Maybe you're misunderstanding. You still use the same tmux bindings to switch windows, it's just the setting up of the session that requires slightly more work when connecting a second client.
Since I use byobu I neither know nor care what is going on under the hood. I use 4 keystrokes - F2 to start a new shell, F3 to cycle back, F4 to cycle forwards and ctrl-F5 to reconnect sockets (GPG agent, DBUS etc).
I did switch it from screen to tmux because tmux definitely works better for other things and seems more responsive when there is lots of output. By default screen did let each client view independent of any other.
I don't see how to automate getting the behaviour I want (independent client views) as typing commands and feeding them into tmux would be a huge pain (especially as byobu is already doing that).
It really depends on what your workflow is. If you only ever have a single tmux session, then you could write a quick script that starts a session if it doesn't exist, but if it does, automatically creates a mirrored session and connects to it. In this workflow, you can assume which session you want to group with, but if you work with multiple sessions, then there is no way to automatically do this. E.g., you could run something like:
$ tmux.sh session-name
which would create the session the first time, and create a grouped session, the second time.
I created a byobu ticket to cover this issue as it is what ultimately starts/connects tmux pointing to this thread. Thanks for the solution. https://bugs.launchpad.net/byobu/+bug/1168734
Having the viewers switch by default is useful for demos, when you are showing something to someone. And it's the simplest behaviour for their data structure. So I can see some logic to why they designed it that way.
I'm glad you raised this issue because I've only recently moved to tmux and would have been stung by it.
Could you abstract it away behind a shell alias? I used this:
*Started using tmux, then realized for my needs stumpwm was better. Obviously these are two different beasts. I still often use tmux on remote server for instance. However, if you use tmux locally, then a tiling manager might be better.
Exactly. I've been using xmonad for years now and I've tried to start using tmux for several occasions. I've never found any advantage of it compared to my different xmonad layouts: tabbed, tall, tall mirrored and grid.
Is there a way (short of writing a script) that will allow me to shuffle windows left and right, and/or move a window and slide the rest down?
Imagine having windows A, B, C, and D respectively in positions 0, 1, 2, and 3. I'd like to move D into position 1 so they end up in this order: A, D, B, C.
To get copy/paste to play nice in OSX you have to go through some Herculean tasks. I made it work with netcat yesterday. I was running an http server to do it :)
I know what you mean. I translated that to a python script a while ago for myself so I could stick it on other boxes without having to compile it. It's now a gist – https://gist.github.com/chirayuk/5377283
If others are looking for a great config to start out with definitely check out Brian P. Hogan's tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development [1]. It is a great quick intro to tmux that demos and steps through the creation of a great tmux.conf
[1] http://pragprog.com/book/bhtmux/tmux