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Everyone could fit in a cube 1.1 miles on a side.

Let's say each person gets a 72 inch tall, 30 inch wide, 20 inch deep box. That's about 28 cubic feet per person. If you stacked all 7B of these next to each other in a cube, you'd have a cube with a side of just 1.1 miles.


the "what-if XKCD" related to something like this actually happening is kind of amusing: http://what-if.xkcd.com/8/

A lot of people would not fit in boxes of that size (6'x2'6"x1'8"). But, if you where thinking of an average that might work.

They'd fit if you got creative. You could always put pieces of them in someone else's box. :)

7 billion people in cramped boxes, some of them with limbs amputated and some of them with body parts in their box, with no ventilation, waste disposal or food supply. Sounds like a great xkcd what-if. That reminds me that you can fit 7 billion people on Rhode Island, but the geopolitical effects of that would be less than beneficial.

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