All of the posts here with the vitriol turned up to 10 seem like either paid shills or friends / associates. Recent accounts, or accounts that just magically started commenting for the first time a week ago. A few comments on other articles, but strong comments defending Mike and Techcrunch. Sketchy stuff.
If you want to help Mike out, calling the girl a psycho / gold digger etc isn't helpful. All it makes me think is "maybe the guy tormented/manipulated her and drove her a bit nuts."
In her posts, she explained pretty clearly the way she expected Mike and his friends to respond through harassing posts and shill accounts etc. It's sad to think that's what is going on here.
WTF why make things even worse by posting the lawyer's letter, including private pictures etc. Fighting fire with fire? Won't that set yourself up for a defamation counter-claim?
Did you even look at my profile? I have no interest in this case, just calling it as I see it.
I am an HN regular with enough credibility, I think, to make those types of statements. Not sure where you got your facts from...but maybe you should actually look at the profile of the person you are responding to, before attempting to disparage my credibility.
If you want to help Mike out, calling the girl a psycho / gold digger etc isn't helpful. All it makes me think is "maybe the guy tormented/manipulated her and drove her a bit nuts."
In her posts, she explained pretty clearly the way she expected Mike and his friends to respond through harassing posts and shill accounts etc. It's sad to think that's what is going on here.
WTF why make things even worse by posting the lawyer's letter, including private pictures etc. Fighting fire with fire? Won't that set yourself up for a defamation counter-claim?