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Born on the first january of 1970.

Makes it really easy to figure out how many seconds old you are!

That's the date I use on every site that asks for it (it's not my birthday). I have the vague hope it will eventually break something somewhere.

There are lots of people born before 1970 and any system processing birth dates as epoch times would fail immediately. I'd rather try Feb 29, 1899 or just some plain old SQL injection instead.

Do you celebrate birthdays or time_t milestones?

My mind just got blown. For some reason, I never thought of this possibility.

It's not my real birthday, it's just the one I use on the net. Like waterlesscloud I hop it will break something somewhere. Or at least amuse a fellow engineer.

Somebody else however suggested using 31st december 1969. Now that's just evil...

31st Dec 1969 23:59 UTC, Ouch

Why is that bad? Please enlighten a naive hacker

If you convert this to Unix epoch time (Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00), the result will be -1.

Which is problematic in several scenarios: - Databases which store dates in integer fields and maybe don't handle negative values. - Other overflows unhandled by date parsers - Libraries, which use -1 as 'invalid'.

I love how I learnt a real hacker titbit from an age poll.

Dude. That's epoch.

Ah yes... Unix!

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