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17 - and I'd like to note that this is one of the few forums on which I can have that information public and still be able to participate in (mostly) civil public discourse, without put-downs, pats-on-the-head, or pandering. It's a breath of fresh air.

That is unless you start a post with "Show HN: I am 17, look what I made..." some people seem to take offense to that :P

I think its great that people of all ages can connect on HN through a common passion for technology.

Well done lad, good for you! pats head ;-)

Only kidding, maturity varies wildly in online communities, I think age is very often not correlated.

Oftentimes I think that kind of patronising can be the result of jealousy. You know, youth is something you come to miss more than you think you would (31 here...)

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