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Market is all over the place - I logged in with chrome, hit "Sell at current Bid Price" - (which was $135) - but the interface wouldn't accept a click on the "Sell Button"

Thought it might be my browser, so I tried logging in with Firefox, hit "Sell at Bid Price" - Which, about 30 seconds after my first attempt with chrome was now $175.

Something is going to crash spectacularly when you get a $40 swing on something like this in 30 seconds.

I still can't sell my BitCoins though. The Irony is I had 20 of them left over from playing around a couple years ago on a linode VPS - they are actually worth quite a bit, if I could only sell them. I wonder how many other people out there are checking to see if they still have a .bitcoin directory sitting around on their various linux systems...

A daily range of $70-259 shows how over hyped/heated this thing is. Buy low sell high if you're trying to make money. Stay out if you have any common sense at all.

I got the same problem, opened up the Javascript Console, seems to be some error where something is null. Not quite sure how I can sell or buy at the moment unless I try writing something up with their API.

Same problem, can't sell... :( I also tried putting in a buy order, but it didn't go through either.

Looks like a good opportunity for an alternative exchange...

I haven't tried it yet, but if I was going to sell BTC for USD I would give this one a go: https://fastcash4bitcoins.com/ They only buy BTC, and it's a fixed price instead of an of exchange.

This looks so intentional. Deploy a JS that breaks right when there is panic.

Yeah, Mt.Gox behaves really badly. I made a few immediate orders some time ago and they're still pending. Totally unreliable.

Why would you not sell then yesterday, at $4k?

Only found them this morning - Sold them for $120 though - so that was a pleasant surprise. Kind of like when you were younger and found $20 in a jacket pocket and it was like you had won the lottery.

But - seriously, I wonder how many people on HN alone have a .bitcoin directory with a wallet and a few stray coins that they've forgotten about over the years. Time to login to all those VPS/VMware/Linux hosts and do some housecleaning - it's like coinstars on steroids.

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