Some people are crass, boorish, crude even. Develop some tolerance. I don't mean suffer in silence either. It's fine to let someone know how you feel. But it's not (IMO) fine to demand that everyone always cater to your extreme sensitivity. I'd personally prefer to be insulted occasionally, rather than having to walk on eggshells for fear of offending someone.
What if I were a woman complaining about sexism in the industry, would you give me the same advice? Several female bloggers have complained about the "don't be so uptight" reply they received to their complaints...
Are you a woman? If so, some people are crass, boorish, crude, jerks even. That doesn't make them right, but try to develop some tolerance. I don't mean suffer in silence either. It's fine to let someone know how you feel, and you definitely shouldn't tolerate, or allow people to make you feel unsafe. But it's not (IMO) fine to demand that everyone always cater to your extreme sensitivity. And, some people are just jerks, even if you can get them to shut up it doesn't make them nicer.
If you are both a woman and crass, and the person persists in annoying you, maybe try telling menstruation-themed jokes or anecdotes. But, if you are both a woman and crass, chances are you don't need me to tell you how to rid yourself of unwanted company.