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It's probably mainly targeted towards servers but there's a healthy market for it among consumers. After all, there are a lot of people out there with specific needs or wants that call for storage - it may be a 'niche' product at the moment, but even now the niche is pretty big (even 1% of a ton of people is a ton of people).

My personal (developer machine) calls for around 400gb for VMs and databases. Useful install media (which, sure, is largely optional) adds another ~30gb. If I want a few games on the machine, that's an extra ~20gb. Already, that's around 450gb of space used, and that's being pretty space conscious.

Huge drives like this provide convenience. If I want to back things up locally (full VM snapshots, database backups), there's enough space to do that without having to worry / shuffle things off to a NAS (which may or may not be an option if it's a laptop and you're on the road), and HDDs don't cut it performance-wise.

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